After graduation from Peking University, Dr Yu Liu began to work for Fudan University School of Pharmacy in 2007. Now she is a lecturer in Department of Pharmaceutics and dean assistant in School of Pharmacy, Fudan University. She has published more than 20 English academic papers and got 1 Chinese patent licensed. Based on 5 national and ministerial research funds, she focuses research on smart bioadhesive drug delivery systems including carrageenan and poloxamer-based ion/temperature dual sensitive in situ hydrogel which has been successfully applied to both vaginal and nasal use and phenylboronic acid-rich nanoparticles for mucosal administration of protein therapeutics which could not only adsorbed mucin effectively but also release protein therapeutics in a mucin-dependent manner.
Mucosal administration for anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory and anti-infectious therapy; Mucoadhesive formulations; In situ formulations for surgery use
2007.9Ph.D. of Pharmaceutics, Peking University
2002.7B.S. of Pharmaceutical science, Peking University
Professional Experiences
2018.1-present, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy, Fudan University
2009.7-2017.12Lecturer, Department of Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy, Fudan University
2007.7-2009.7Post-doc, School of Pharmacy, Fudan University
Teaching Activities
Undergraduates courses: Pharmaceutics I, Introduction to Pharmaceutics, Physical Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Literature Searching, Pharmacokinetics, Nanomedicine and Health, etc.
Graduates courses: Modification and Delivery of Peptides.
Grants & Projects
1. Jan 2016-Dec 2019, Study on adhesive nanomedicine to prevent tumor recurrence and metastasis, The National Natural Science Fund of China, Principal scientist, ongoing.
2. Jan 2012-Dec 2014, Study on novel mucoadhesive nanoparticles for mucosal drug delivery, The National Natural Science Fund of China (for young scientist), Principal scientist, completed.
3. Jan 2012Dec 2014, Study on novel mucoadhesive nanoparticles for mucosal drug delivery, New Teacher Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China, Principal scientist, completed.
4. Aug 2009-Jul 2012Study on novel mucoadhesive microparticles for vaginal drug delivery. Special Grant from Chinese Postdoctoral Science FoundationPrincipal scientist, completed.
Awards & Honors
1. Merck-Fudan Scholoarship for Excellent Young Teacher, 2014
2. First-Class Award for reports in the Annual Meeting of Shanghai Pharmaceutical Association, 2014
3. Second-Class Scientific and Techological Prize of Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, 2014, ranking:8.
Member of Chinese Pharmaceutical Association and Shanghai Pharmaceutical Association.
Invited Presentations
1. Sina-German Young Researcher Symposium. Nanopharmaceutics: Drug Delivery in the Nanoscale, “Caitonic surface modification of drug nanocrystals improved mucoadhesion and local therapy”, Apr 6-8, 2018, Munich, Germany.
2. The 2015 Chinese pharmaceutical Congress, “Co-administration of tLyp-1 with polymeric paclitexcal conjugates: Enhanced intratumor accumulation and antitumor efficacy”, Nov 8, 2015, Tianjin, China.
3. The 2014 Annual for Pharmaceutics of Shanghai Pharmaceutical Association. “Preparation and evaluation of phenlyboronic aicd-rich nanoparticles as a novel mucoadhesive drug delivery system”, Jun 20, 2014, Shanghai, China.
4. The 2014 Chinese pharmaceutical Congress, “Preparation and evaluation of phenlyboronic acid-rich nanoparticles as a novel mucoadhesive drug delivery system”, Nov 26, 2014, Shijiazhuang, China.
Selected Publications(latest 5 yrs,<20 papers)
1. Li-qian Ci, Zhi-gang Huang, Yu Liu*, Zhe-peng Liu*, Gang Wei, Wei-yue Lu. Amino-functionalized poloxamer 407 with both mucoadhesive and thermosensitive properties: preparation, characterization and application in a vaginal drug delivery system. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B. 2017, 7: 593-602.
2. Yu Liu, Fujin Yang, Linglin Feng, Long Yang, Lingyun Chen, Gang Wei, Weiyue Lu. In vivo retention of poloxamer-based in situ hydrogels for vaginal application in mouse and rat models. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B. 2017, 7: 502-509.
3. Chunyan Li, Zhigang Huang, Zheshuo Liu, Liqian Ci, Zhepeng Liu, Yu Liu*, Xueying Yan*, Weiyue Lu. Sulfonate-modified phenylboronic acid-rich nanoparticles as a novel mucoadhesive drug delivery system for vaginal administration of protein therapeutics: improved stability, mucin-dependent release and effective intravaginal placement. Int J Nanomed 2016, 11: 5917–30.
4. Chunyan Li, Zheshuo Liu, Xueying Yan*, Weiyue Lu, Yu Liu*. Mucin-controlled drug release from mucoadhesive phenylboronic acid-rich nanoparticles. Int J Pharm 2015, 479: 261-4.
5. Chenxi Li, Chunyan Li, Zheshuo Liu, Qiuhong Li, Xueying Yan, Weiyue Lu, Yu Liu*. Enhancement in bioavailability of ketorolac tromethamine via intranasal in situ hydrogel based on poloxamer 407 and carrageenan. Int J Pharm 2014, 474: 123-33.
1. A bioadhesive thermosensitive in situ hydrogel sustained-release formulation for vaginal administration,200810200716.0, granted by China patent in Aug 2012.
2. A core-shell bioadhesive polymeric nanoparticle and its preparation.201310539766.21, granted by China in Aug 2012.