Dr. Tao Sun finished his undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral career in Shandong University from 2003 to 2012, during which he spent one year in école normale supérieure Paris (ENS Paris, France) as a joint doctoral student sponsored by Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC). In 2012, he joint Eidgen?ssische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) as a postdoctoral fellow. In 2015, he joint School of Pharmacy, Fudan University as an introduced talent to be a youth associate principle investigator. He has already published 20 papers as the first author and authorized 3 patents. He has been awarded twice with the second rank of national “Challenge Cup” (2009, 2010), Provincial Excellent Graduates (2012), “Chunhui Cup” (2015), etc. Currently, he is hosting a Scientific Research Foundation of Fudan University for Talent Introduction and a Shanghai Sailing Program. His research mainly includes the strategy of supra-prodrug and the oral prodrug design under a pretreatment mode.
Theranostics nanomedicine; Prodrug; Drug formulation; Targeting delivery
2010.8~2011.9Joint PhD student supervised by Prof. Ludovic Jullien, école Normale Supérieure, Paris, France (Project “A versatile photochromic platform tailored for biological applications”).
2007.9-2012.8PhD majored in organic chemistry supervised by Prof. Aiyou Hao, Shandong University, Jinan, China (Thesis “Synthesis and self-assembly of functional supramolecular systems”) (“top 5% graduates”).
2003.8-2007.7Bachelor of Science in applied chemistry, Shandong University, Jinan, China (“top 7% graduates”).
Professional Experiences
2019.1-present Associate Professor, School of Pharmacy, Fudan University, PR China.
2015.8-2018.12 Youth Associate Principle Investigator, School of Pharmacy, Fudan University, PR China.
2015.2-2015.8 Postdoctoral fellow supervised by Prof. Roger Schibli, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland (Project “A stimuli-responsive self-immolative platform for targeted drug-delivery and reporting”).
2012.12-2015.2 Postdoctoral fellow (Novartis) supervised by Prof. Jean-Christophe Leroux in Drug Formulation & Delivery, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland (Project “An oral prodrug strategy based on the redox-sensitive platform”).
Teaching Activities
Biopharmaceutics; Pharmaceutical Literature Search; Gene Delivery System (for graduate students)
Grants & Projects
1. Scientific Research Foundation of Fudan University for Talent Introduction (JJF301103);
2. Novartis-Organic Chemistry 2012 (ETH Zurich)
3. Shanghai Sailing Program (16YF1400900)
4. Research Funding on Aging and Medicine for Young Researchers, Fudan University
5. National Natural Science Funds of China (21602030)
6. Open Funding of Key Laboratory of Smart Drug Delivery, Ministry of Education (SDD2016-05)
7. Minhang branch of Zhongshan Hospital-School of Pharmacy, Fudan University Joint Research Fund (RO-MY201703)
Awards & Honors
Awards of “Chunhui Cup”-The 10th China Overseas Scholars' Innovation Competition
2015.09–since now, Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, membership
2013.09–2014.09, Swiss Chemical Society, membership
2013, Jury member of the 2013 Fall Semester Doktorandentag, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ETH Zurich
Invited Presentations
1. Disulfide-based prodrugs for improving the oral bioavailability of poorly water-soluble drugs. T. Sun, A. Morger, B. Castagner, and J.-C. Leroux, Swiss Chemical Society’s Fall Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland, 2014
2. An oral prodrug strategy for poorly soluble drugs. T. Sun, B. Castagner, J.-C. Leroux, Postdoc Mini Symposium at Novartis, Basel, Switzerland, 2013.
3. An oral prodrug strategy for drugs with low solubility. T. Sun, B. Castagner, J.-C. Leroux, Zurich-Basel-Geneva Joint Seminar in Drug Formulation & Delivery, Geneva, Switzerland, 2013.
Selected Publications(latest 5 yrs,<20 papers)
1. T. Sun, G. Zhang, Q. Wang, Q. Chen, X. Chen, Y. Lu, L. Liu, Y. Zhang, X. He, C. Ruan, Y. Zhang, Q. Guo, C. Jiang*, A targeting theranostics nanomedicine as an alternative approach for hyperthermia perfusion, Biomaterials, 2018, accepted.
2. C. Ruan, L. Liu, Q. Wang, X. Chen, Q. Chen, Y. Lu, Y. Zhang, X. He, Y. Zhang, Q. Guo, T. Sun*, C. Jiang, Reactive Oxygen Species-Biodegradable Gene Carrier for the Targeting Therapy of Breast Cancer, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10, 10398–10408..
3. C. Ruan, L. Liu, Y. Lu, Y. Zhang, X. He, X. Chen, Y. Zhang, Q. Chen, Q. Guo, T. Sun,* C. Jiang, Substance P-modified human serum albumin nanoparticles loaded with paclitaxel for targeted therapy of glioma, Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, 2018, 8(1), 85–96.
4. T. Sun, X. Jiang, Q. Wang, Q. Chen, Y. Lu, L. Liu, Y. Zhang, X. He, C. Ruan, Y. Zhang, Q. Guo, Y. Liu, C. Jiang, Substance P Mediated DGLs Complexing with DACHPt for Targeting Therapy of Glioma, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9, 34603–34617.
5. T. Sun, Q. Wang, Y. Bi, X. Chen, L. Liu, C. Ruan, Z. Zhao, C. Jiang, Supramolecular amphiphiles based on cyclodextrin and hydrophobic drugs, Journal of Material Chemistry B, 2017, 5, 2644–2654.
6. T. Sun, L. Shu, J. Shen, C. Ruan, Z. Zhao, C. Jiang, Photo and redox-responsive vesicles assembledfrom Bola-type superamphiphiles, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 52189–52200.
7. T. Sun, A. Morger, B. Castagner, J.-C. Leroux, An oral redox-sensitive self-immolating prodrug strategy, Chemical Communications, 2015, 51, 5721-5724.
8. T. Sun, H. Yan, P. Xing, J. Su, S. Li, A. Hao, Cu (II)-triggered release of paclitaxel from a supramolecular complex, Supramolecular Chemistry, 2013, 25 (5), 302-3095.
9. T. Sun, M. Ma, H. Yan, J. Shen, J. Su, A. Hao, Vesicular particles directly assembled from the cyclodextrin/UR-144 supramolecular amphiphiles, Colloids and Surface A, 2013, 424, 105-1126.
10. P. Xing*, T. Sun*, A. Hao, Vesicles from supramolecular amphiphiles, RSC Advances, 2013, 3 (47), 24776-24793 (*co-first author).
Application Number: CN2017110289613, CN2017110387692, CN201711239929x, CN2017114992788, CN2017114992792.
Authorized: ZL 200810157831.4, ZL 200810157831.4, ZL 201210082143.2.