美国丹纳赫公司董事长Steven M. Rales先生访问复旦大学药学院


       2018年6月1日中午,全球最大的医疗、科研和工业仪器制造商——美国丹纳赫公司(Danaher Corporation)的董事长Steven M. Rales先生在上海科技大学iHuman研究所所长Raymond. C. Stevens教授的陪同下访问了复旦大学药学院,受到院长王明伟研究员、常务副院长潘俊副教授、副院长王建新教授和李聪教授、院长助理李嫣教授、院长助理韩丽妹讲师、药剂学教研室陆伟教授和仪器测试中心主任杨萍高级工程师的热情接待。双方交流了各自的基本情况,商讨了开展双边和多边合作的各种契机。


Mr. Steven M. Rales of Danaher Corporation (USA) visits Fudan School of Pharmacy

In the noon of June 1, 2018, Mr. Steven M. Rales, Chairman of Danaher Corporation (USA) ——the world’s largest manufacturer of medical, research and industrial instruments visited School of Pharmacy, Fudan University. He was accompanied by Professor Raymond. C. Stevens (Director of iHuman Institute, ShanghaiTech University) and warmly received by Professor Ming-Wei Wang (Dean), Associate Professor Jun Pan (Executive Vice Dean), Professor Jianxin Wang (Vice Dean), Professor Cong Li (Vice Dean), Professor Yan Li (Assistant Dean), Assistant Professor Limei Han (Assistant Dean), Professor Wei Lu (Department of Pharmaceutics) and Senior Engineer Ping Yang (Director of Analytical and Testing Center). The two parties introduced each other’s basic status and exchanged views on various opportunities in bilateral and multilateral collaborations.

         After business lunch, Mr. Rales and Professor Stevens toured the research and development facility (under construction) of Zhangjiang Fudan International Innovation Center (Jinchuang Building), accompanied by Dr. Ming-Wei Wang.
