

      2018年3月20日上午,澳大利亚莫纳什大学研究员Denise Wooten博士和中国科学院上海有机化学研究所研究员马大为博士担任复旦大学药学院兼职教授的受聘仪式在科研楼晶晖厅举行。他们分别以“An evolving view of class B G protein-coupled receptor signaling”和“药物分子发掘中的化学创新”为题所做的学术报告受到与会师生们的热烈欢迎。报告后,王明伟院长为他们颁发了聘任证书。Denise Wooten博士和马大为博士都是国际知名专家,在药理学或有机化学研究领域颇有建树。

       澳大利亚莫纳大学教授、复旦大学药学院国际兼职教授Patrick M. Sexton博士和助手Yi-Lynn Liang博士参加了学术交流。

Two newly appointed adjunct professors deliver their acceptance lectures at Fudan School of Pharmacy

In the morning of March 20, 2018, Drs. Denise Wooten (Research Fellow, Monash University, Australia) and Dawei Ma (Professor, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences) attended the ceremony held at Zhangjiang to appoint them as adjunct professors of School of Pharmacy, Fudan University. Two acceptance lectures entitled “An evolving view of class B G protein-coupled receptor signaling” and “Chemistry innovation from drug molecules” were given by Drs. Wootten and Ma, respectively, which received enthusiastic responses among the audience. They were each presented an engagement certificate by Professor Ming-Wei Wang (Dean).

Both Dr. Wootten and Professor Ma are highly respected experts in their respective field of research and made significant contributions to pharmacology or organic chemistry. Dr. Patrick M. Sexton (Professor of Monash University and International Adjunct Professor of Fudan School of Pharmacy) and his associate, Dr. Yi-Lynn Liang, participated in the event.
