2018年3月16日下午,美国辛辛那提(Cincinnati)大学药学院副院长Dr. Bingfang Yan博士访问了复旦大学药学院,受到张雪梅副院长的热情接待。双方就开展教学科研合作等议题进行了交谈,并期待予以落实。药理教研室的沈晓燕教授参加了会谈。
Dr. Binfang Yan of University of Cincinnati visits Fudan School of Pharmacy
In the afternoon of Mar 16, 2018, Dr. Xuemei Zhang, Vice Dean of School of Pharmacy, Fudan University met with Dr. Binfang Yan, Associate Dean of College of Pharmacy, University of Cincinnati (U.S.A.). They discussed potential cooperation in education and research between the two parties. Dr. Xiaoyan Shen from Department of Pharmacology attended the meeting.