诺贝尔化学奖得主Michael Levitt教授访问复旦药学院


      2017年10月30日下午,2013年诺贝尔化学奖获得者、美国斯坦福大学结构生物学教授迈克尔·莱维特(Michael Levitt)博士和友人Shoshan Brosh-Vaitz博士在复旦大学药学院院长、国家新药筛选中心主任兼国家化合物样品库主任王明伟研究员的陪同下访问了复旦大学药学院, 受到潘俊常务副院长、付伟教授和邵黎明教授等的热情接待。在与研究生和青年教师代表座谈时,Levitt教授以其亲身经历勉励大家善动脑筋,勇于挑战,坚守务实,不断超越。

2013 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Michael Levitt visits Fudan School of Pharmacy

Accompanied by Professor Ming-Wei Wang (Dean, School of Pharmacy, Fudan University and Director, the National Center for Drug Screening/Chinese National Compound Library), Dr. Michael Levitt (2013 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry and Professor of Structural Biology at Stanford University, USA) and his partner, Dr. Shoshan Brosh-Vaitz, visited School of Pharmacy, Fudan University in the afternoon of October 30, 2017. They were warmly received by Drs. Jun Pan (Executive Vice Dean), Wei Fu (Professor) and Liming Shao (Professor). During the roundtable discussion with student and faculty representatives, Dr. Levitt used his personal experience to encourage the audience that they should not only be book-smart, but also dare to meet challenges, be pragmatic, persistent and always pursue excellence.
