2009年诺贝尔化学奖得主Thomas Steitz教授访问复旦大学药学院


       2017年10月13日下午,2009年诺贝尔化学奖得主、美国耶鲁大学托马斯·施泰茨(Thomas A. Steitz)教授在复旦大学药学院院长、国家新药筛选中心主任兼国家化合物样品库主任王明伟研究员和复旦大学生命科学学院林金钟教授的陪同下访问了复旦大学药学院,受到常务副院长潘俊、副院长王建新、副院长张雪梅和副院长李聪等的热情接待。在共进工作午餐后,Steitz 教授应王明伟院长的邀请,以“核糖体与多种蛋白因子和抗生素复合物的结构与功能”为题为数十位院内外听众作了精彩的学术报告,会场气氛活跃,反响热烈。尔后,Steitz 教授与十多位复旦药学院的本科生和研究生代表促膝谈心,对他们的提问一一作答。他的成长经历、对科学的热爱和对青年的期许让大家印象深刻,获益良多。

2009 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Thomas Steitz visits Fudan School of Pharmacy

In the afternoon of October 13, 2017, Professor Thomas A. Steitz, 2009 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry and Sterling Professor of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry at Yale University (USA), visited School of Pharmacy, Fudan University. He was accompanied by Professor Ming-Wei Wang (Dean and Director, the National Center for Drug Screening/CNCL) and Professor Jinzhong Lin from School of Life Sciences, Fudan University. Drs. Jun Pan (Executive Vice Dean), Jianxin Wang (Vice Dean), Xuemei Zhang (Vice Dean) and Cong Li (Vice Dean) warmly received him. Following a joint working lunch, Dr. Steitz delivered a lecture, at the invitation of Dr. Ming-Wei Wang, entitled ““The structure and function of the Ribosome Complexes with various Protein Factors and Antibiotics” to an audience of several dozen from Fudan and outside institutions, who enthusiastically reacted to his messages. A roundtable discussion was carried out thereafter between Dr. Steitz and more than a dozen of undergraduate and graduate students from the school. He answered each and every question raised by the students who were deeply impressed and greatly touched by his grown-up experiences, passion for science and love to the younger generation.
