2017年7月20日下午,美国北卡大学教堂山分校药学院全球化事务副主任、临床药学副教授Amanda H. Corbett博士和该院临床药学专业四年级博士生Ricky Kong 及 Maria Dong访问了复旦大学药学院,受到院长王明伟研究员和临床药学与药事管理教研室副主任相小强副研究员等的热情接待。嘉宾们在王明伟、相小强和翟露露(院长秘书)的参与下,与复旦药学院的五名四年级本科生(周心妍、邓巧、石雨菲、吴舒珊和苏怡煜)进行了座谈。在一个半小时的交流互动中,Corbett博士等就北卡大学临床药学博士的培养方案、课程设置、招生细则、申请程序和就业前景等进行了介绍,并一一回答了与会同学的提问。
Dr. Amanda Corbett of UNC School of Pharmacy visits Fudan School of Pharmacy
Dr. Amanda H. Corbett (Associate Director of Global Engagement and Associate Professor of Clinical Pharmacy), Mr. Ricky Kong (4th year Pharm.D. student) and Ms. Maria Dong (4th year Pharm.D. student) from Eshelman School of Pharmacy, The University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill visited School of Pharmacy, Fudan University in the afternoon of July 20, 2017. They were warmly greeted by Professor Ming-Wei Wang (Dean) and Associate Professor Xiaoqiang Xiang (Vice Chair, Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Administration). Accompanied by Dr. Wang, Dr. Xiang and Ms. Lulu Zhai (Assistant to the Dean), the honorable guests from UNC interacted with five 4th year undergraduate students from Fudan School of Pharmacy (Xinyan Zhou, Qiao Deng, Yufei Shi, Susan Wu and Yiyu Su) by describing the education scheme, course work, student recruitment, application procedure and employment prospect of Pharm.D. degree training at UNC. They also answered every question raised by the audience.