王明伟院长在东京会晤日本理化学研究所Sheena Li博士


       2016年9月24日下午,复旦大学药学院院长、国家新药筛选中心主任兼国家化合物样品库主任王明伟研究员在东京会晤了日本理化学研究所环境资源科学研究中心Sheena Li博士,就中、日、加、美四国化学基因组学合作研究项目最近遭遇的技术问题进行了紧急磋商,两人拟定了近期的攻关目标和资源协调。

Professor Ming-Wei Wang meets Dr. Sheena Li of RIKEN in Tokyo

Professor Ming-Wei Wang, Dean, School of Pharmacy, Fudan University and Director of the National Center for Drug Screening/Chinese National Compound Library, met with Dr. Sheena Li from RIKEN (Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) Center for Sustainable Resource Science at Tokyo, Japan in the afternoon of September 24, 2016. This meeting was urgently arranged to discuss technical hurdles encountered recently associated with the four-nation (China, Japan, Canada and U.S.A.) chemical genomics research collaboration program. They agreed upon near-term goals and resource coordination.

