IBM沃森健康部门的Radhesh Nair先生来我校张江校区做学术报告


       2016年5月20日下午,美国IBM沃森健康部门的Radhesh Nair先生应复旦大学药学院和计算机学院的邀请来访我校,在张江校区行政楼106会议室做了题为“真实世界的数据分析与病人之数字化参与”的学术报告,着重介绍了如何利用人工智能技术挖掘医疗数据中的潜在价值。药学院王明伟院长主持了报告会,计算机学院汪卫副院长、诺和诺德(中国)制药有限公司临床医学事务张克洲副总裁和优化集群管理孙超经理出席了本次活动。报告历时一个小时,随后Radhesh Nair先生和与会人员进行了热烈的讨论。

Mr. Radhesh Nair of IBM Watson lectures at Fudan Zhangjiang Campus

At the invitation of School of Pharmacy and School of Computer Science, Fudan University, Mr. Radhesh Nair of IBM Watson (U.S.A.) delivered a lecture entitled “Real world analytics and digital patient engagement” at Fudan Zhangjiang Campus in the afternoon of May 20, 2016. The lecture mainly described how to use artificial intelligence to explore potential value of medical data. Dr. Ming-Wei Wang (Dean, School of Pharmacy) chaired the event which was attended by Drs. Wei Wang (Vice Dean, School of Computer Science), Kezhou Zhang (Vice President of Clinical Affairs) and Chao Jason Sun (Optimization Portfolio Manager) of Novo Nordisk (China) Pharmaceuticals, Inc. The lecture lasted about one hour followed by enthusiastic interaction between Mr. Nair and the audience.
