

2003.09–2007.06 山东大学化学与化工学院,本科

2007.09–2012.06 山东大学化学与化工学院,硕博连读

2010.09–2011.09 法国巴黎高师化学系联合培养,博士



2012.12–2015.9 苏黎世联邦理工学院,博士后

2015.09–2018.11 复旦大学药学院药剂学教研室,青年副研究员

2018.12–今 复旦大学药学院药剂学教研室,副教授




1. 复旦大学引进人才科研基金(主持,2015-2018,结题)

2. 上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划基金(主持,2016-2019,结题)

3. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(主持,2016-2019,结题)

4. 复旦大学2025卓学计划(主持,2020-2025,在研)

5. 上海人社上海人才发展资金(主持,2021-2022,在研)

6. 国家自然科学基金“肿瘤演进与诊疗的分子功能可视化”研究重大研究计划,培育项目(主持,2021-2023,在研)

7. 上海市科委面上项目(主持,2022-2025,在研)


2022年 上海药学科技奖,优秀成果奖(1/2)

2021年 上海药学科技奖,一等奖(2/2)

2020年 英国皇家化学会,新锐科学家

2019年 全国高校药学类青年教师教学能力大赛,特等奖

2019年 全国高校药学类青年教师微课教学大赛,一等奖


2023年12月起,任《Biomaterials Translational》青年编委

2023年12月起,任《Nano TransMed》青年编委

2022年9月起,任《Frontiers in Drug Delivery》副主编

2022年8月起,任SCI期刊《Pharmaceutics》(IF 5.4)编委

2021年6月起,任SCI期刊《Chinese Chemical Letters》(IF 9.1)青年编委

2020年6月起,任SCI期刊《Current Gene Therapy》(IF 3.6)编委






以通讯/第一作者身份,在国际重要学术期刊上发表30余篇SCI论文, 包括Trend Chem, Adv Drug Deliv Rev,Adv Mater, ACS Nano, Nano Lett, Adv Sci, Adv Funct Mater, Biomaterials, J Control Release, Small, APSB, 共被引逾2000次,H因子28。论文列表如下:


42. X. Li, T. Sun,* C. Jiang.* Intelligent Delivery Systems Nanomedicine in Tumor Metabolism Regulation: Exploring the Path Ahead. Advanced Materials 2023, DOI: 10.1002/adma.202309582.


41. Y. Qu, J. Xu, T. Zhang, Q. Chen,* T. Sun,* C. Jiang,* Advanced nano-based strategies for mRNA tumor vaccine, Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B 2023, DOI: 10.1016/j.apsb.2023.07.025.


40. Y. Luo, C. Li, Y. Zhang, H. Chen, P. Liu, Y. Wang, Z. Zhao, Z. Zhou, B. Su, C. Li, H. Song, X. Li, T. Zhang, H. You, Y. Wu, Z. Tian, S. Zhang, Y. Guo, H. Fan, Q. Chen, C. Jiang,* T. Sun,* Gradient Tumor Microenvironment-Promoted Penetrating Micelles for Hypoxia Relief and Immunosuppression Reversion in Pancreatic Cancer Treatment, Acta Biomaterialia 2023, 167, 387-400.


39. Q. Li,* J. Tan,* T. Sun,* Light-driven Feringa motors for precision molecular mechanotherapeutics, Trends in Chemistry 2023, DOI: 10.1016/j.trechm.2023.05.002.


38. T. Sun,* Q. Chen, Z. Zhou, C. Li, T. Yu, C. Jiang,* A Chemiluminescent Reporter Assisted by In-Situ Neutrophils for Imaging O2●− at Inflammatory Sites. Journal of Controlled Release 2023, 358, 382-397.


37. H. Chen, H. Song, Y. Luo, C. Li, H. Fan, Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, Z. Zhao, X. Li, T. Sun,* C. Jiang,* Transcytosis Mediated Deep Tumor Penetration for Enhanced Chemotherapy and Immune Activation of Pancreatic Cancer. Advanced Functional Materials 2023, 2214937.


36. Q. Wang, M. Serda,* Q. Li,* T. Sun,* Recent Advancements on Self-Immolative System Based on Dynamic Covalent Bonds for Delivering Heterogeneous Payloads. Advanced Healthcare Materials 2023, 2300138.


35. T. Sun, C. Jiang,* Drug delivery systems triggered by intracellular or subcellular microenvironment. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 2023, 196, 114773.


34. Y. Chu, B. Su, Y. Luo, C. Li, Y. Zhang, P. Liu, H. Chen, M. Serda, C. Jiang,* T. Sun,* Compound Nanoemulsion Combined with Differentiation/Cytotoxicity Drugs for Modulating Breast Cancer Stemness. Molecular Pharmaceutics 2023, 20, 3, 1591-1598.


33. Y. Chu, Y. Luo, B. Su, C. Li, Q. Guo, Y. Zhang, P. Liu, H. Chen, Z. Zhao, Z. Zhou, Y. Wang, C. Jiang,* T. Sun,* A Neutrophil-biomimic platform for eradicating metastatic breast cancer stem-like cells by redox microenvironment modulation and hypoxia-triggered differentiation therapy. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B 2023, 13 (1), 298-314.


32. R. Liu#, C. Luo#, Z. Pang#, J. Zhang#, S. Ruan#, M. Wu#, L. Wang#, T. Sun#, N. Li#, L. Han#, J. Shi#, Y. Huang#, W. Guo#, S. Peng#, W. Zhou#, H. Gao,* Advances of nanoparticles as drug delivery systems for disease diagnosis and treatment. Chinese Chemical Letters 2023, 34, 107518 (#co-first authors).


31. Y. Zhang, H. You, Z. Zhao, Y. Luo, C. Li, P. Liu,  H. Chen, Y. Wang,  Z. Zhou, T. Sun,* C. Jiang,* Transformable “tubulin traps” interfere with mitochondrial autophagy and promote the elimination of glioblastoma. Advanced Functional Materials 2022, 2209216.


30.  T. Sun, C. Li, X. Li, H. Song, B. Su, H. You, T. Zhang, C. Jiang,* Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology 2022, Springer Nature Publish Group, Micro/Nano Technologies, Ning Gu (Eds): Nanomedicine (Chapter 10).


29. Q. Chen#, Q. Wang#, Y. Wang#, Y. Chu, Y. Luo, H. You, B. Su, C. Li, Q. Guo, T. Sun,* C. Jiang,* Penetrating Micelle for Reversing Immunosuppression and Drug Resistance in Pancreatic Cancer Treatment. Small 2022, 2107712 (Front Cover Page).


28. Y. Chu, T. Sun,* C. Jiang,* Emerging Landscapes of Nanosystems Based on Pre-Metastatic Microenvironment for Cancer Theranostics. Chinese Chemical Letters 2022, 33, 4157-4168.


27. Y. Chu, T. Sun,* Z. Xie, K. Sun,* C. Jiang,* Physicochemical Characterization and Pharmacological Evaluation of Novel Propofol Micelles with Low-Lipid and Low-Free Propofol. Pharmaceutics 2022, 14 (2), 414.


26. H. Chen#, T. Sun#, W. Zeng#, X. Zeng, L. Mei,* C. Jiang,* Y. Zhao.* NIR-Light-Intensified Hypoxic Microenvironment for Cascaded Supra-Prodrug Activation and Synergistic Chemo/Photodynamic Cancer Therapy. ACS Materials Letters 2022, 4, 111-119 (#co-first authors).


25. 纳米仿生型肿瘤疫苗的研究进展。杨玥#, 王海燕#, 孙野#, 孙涛,*  蒋晨, 药学学报, 2022, 57(4), 963-975.


24. T. Sun, G. Zhang, T. Ning, Q. Chen, Y. Chu, Y. Luo, H. You, B. Su, C. Li, Q. Guo, C. Jiang.* A Versatile Theranostic Platform for Colorectal Cancer Peritoneal Metastases: Real-Time Tumor-Tracking and Photothermal-Enhanced Chemotherapy. Advanced Science 2021, 2102256.


23. C. Li, T. Sun,* C. Jiang.* Recent advances in nanomedicines for the treatment of ischemic stroke. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B 2021, 11, 7, 1767-1788.


22. C. Li#, Z. Xie#, Q. Chen, Y, Zhang, Y. Chu, Q. Guo, W. Zhou, Y. Zhang, P.  Liu, H. Chen, C. Jiang,* K. Sun,* T. Sun.* Supramolecular Hunter Stationed on Red Blood Cells for Detoxification Based on Specific Molecular Recognition. ACS Nano 2020, 14, 4950-4962.


21. T. Sun#, Y. Ding#, X. Wang, K. Zhang, G.-P. Zhang, D. Liang, K. Yu, Y. Chu, Q. Chen, C. Jiang.* Carry-On Nitric-Oxide-Luggage for Enhanced Chemotherapeutic Efficacy. Nano Letters 2020, 20, 5275-5283 (#co-first authors).


20. T. Sun, G. Zhang, Z. Guo, Q. Chen, Y. Zhang, Y. Chu, Q. Guo, C. Li, W. Zhou, Y. Zhang, P. Liu, H. Chen, H. Yu, L. Jiang, C. Jiang.* Co-delivery of Cu(I) chelator and chemotherapeutics as a new strategy fortumor theranostic. Journal of Controlled Release 2020, 321, 483-496.


19. Q. Wang, X. Guo, Y. Chen, Z. Wu, Y. Zhou, S. Sadaf, L. Han, X. Ding,* T. Sun.* Theranostics system caged in human serum albumin as a therapy for breast tumors. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2020, 8, 6877-6885 (Invited paper).


18. D. Gao, Q. Zhu, J. Ruan, T. Sun,* L. Han.* Polyplexes by polymerized dequalinium and bi-functional aptamer for mitochondrial targeting drug release to overcome drug resistance. ACS Applied Bio Materials 2020, 3, 8, 5182-5192.


17. T. Sun, G. Zhang, Q. Wang, Z. Guo, Q. Chen, X. Chen, Y. Lu, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Q. Guo, X. Gao, Y. Cheng, C. Jiang,* Pre-blocked molecular shuttle as an in-situ real-time theranostics. Biomaterials 2019, 204, 46-58.


16. T. Sun, G. Zhang, Q. Wang, Q. Chen, X. Chen, Y. Lu, L. Liu, Y. Zhang, X. He, C. Ruan, Y. Zhang, Q. Guo, C. Jiang,* A targeting theranostics nanomedicine as an alternative approach for hyperthermia perfusion. Biomaterials 2018, 183, 268-279.


15. C. Ruan, L. Liu, Q. Wang, X. Chen, Q. Chen, Y. Lu, Y. Zhang, X. He, Y. Zhang, Q. Guo, T. Sun,* C. Jiang, Reactive Oxygen Species-Biodegradable Gene Carrier for the Targeting Therapy of Breast Cancer. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018, 10, 10398-10408.


14. C. Ruan, L. Liu, Y. Lu, Y. Zhang, X. He, X. Chen, Y. Zhang, Q. Chen, Q. Guo, T. Sun,* C. Jiang, Substance P-modified human serum albumin nanoparticles loaded with paclitaxel for targeted therapy of glioma. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B 2018, 8(1), 85-96.


13. T. Sun, X. Jiang, Q. Wang, Q. Chen, Y. Lu, L. Liu, Y. Zhang, X. He, C. Ruan, Y. Zhang, Q. Guo, Y. Liu, C. Jiang,*Substance P Mediated DGLs Complexing with DACHPt for Targeting Therapy of Glioma. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9, 34603-34617.


12. T. Sun, Q. Wang, Y. Bi, X. Chen, L. Liu, C. Ruan, Z. Zhao, C. Jiang,*Supramolecular amphiphiles based on cyclodextrin and hydrophobic drugs. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2017, 5, 2644-2654.


11. T. Sun, L. Shu, J. Shen, C. Ruan, Z. Zhao, C. Jiang,* Photo and redox-responsive vesicles assembledfrom Bola-type superamphiphiles. RSC Advances 2016, 6, 52189-52200.


10. T. Sun, A. Morger, B. Castagner,* J.-C. Leroux,* An oral redox-sensitive self-immolating prodrug strategy. Chemical Communications 2015, 51, 5721-5724.


9. T. Sun, H. Yan, P. Xing, J. Su, S. Li, A. Hao,*Cu (II)-triggered release of paclitaxel from a supramolecular complex. Supramolecular Chemistry 2013, 25 (5), 302-3095.


8. T. Sun, M. Ma, H. Yan, J. Shen, J. Su, A. Hao,*Vesicular particles directly assembled from the cyclodextrin/UR-144 supramolecular amphiphiles. Colloids and Surface A 2013, 424, 105-1126.


7. P. Xing#, T. Sun#, A. Hao,* Vesicles from supramolecular amphiphiles. RSC Advances 2013, 3 (47), 24776-24793 (#co-first authors).


6. T. Sun, Q. Guo, C. Zhang, J. Hao, P. Xing, J. Su, S. Li, A. Hao,* G. Liu,* Vesicles with functional macrocyclic host sites confined in the bilayer as drug carriers. Langmuir 2012, 28, 8625-8636. 


5. T. Sun, H. Yan, G. Liu, J. Hao, J. Su, S. Li, P. Xing, A. Hao,* Strategy of directly employing paclitaxel to construct vesicles. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2012, 116 (50), 14628-14636.


4. T. Sun, J. Shen, H. Yan, J. Hao, A. Hao,* Stable vesicles assembled by “supramolecular amphiphiles” with double hydrophobic chains. Colloids and Surface A 2012, 414, 41-49.


3. T. Sun, Y. Li, H. Zhang, J. Li, F. Xin, L. Kong, A. Hao,* pH-reversible vesicles based on the 'supramolecular amphiphilies' formed by cyclodextrin and anthraquinone derivate. Colloids and Surface A 2011, 375, 87-96.


2. T. Sun, H. Zhang, L. Kong, H. Qiao, Y. Li, F. Xin, A. Hao,* Controlled transformation from nanorods to vesicles induced by cyclomaltoheptaoses (β-cyclodextrins). Carbohydrate Research 2011, 346, 285-293.


1. T. Sun#, H. Zhang#, H. Yan, J. Li, G. Cheng, A. Hao,* H. Qiao, F. Xin, Sensitive fluorescent vesicles based on the supramolecular inclusion of β-cyclodextrin with N-alkylamino-1-anthraquinone. Supramolecular Chemistry 2011, 23(5), 351-364 (#co-first authors).
