

余科 ( Ker Yu),女,研究员、博士生导师。1988年毕业于芝加哥大学分子遗传及细胞生物学博士。1990-1992年先后完成麻省理工学院、康乃尔大学医学院博士后研究。1992-2010年历任诺华药业公司副研究员,惠氏药业公司资深主任研究员,桑迪亚生物技术公司副总经理,2011年3月引进复旦大学药学院。自1992年起从事肿瘤分子机理、新药靶点发掘和验证研究,主持惠氏、诺华药业一类新药创制专题12项。 长期致力于 mTOR/PI3K/AKT 相关信号通路的疾病研究和新药创制,发表相关论文、专著、专利等70余篇,对 Torisel/CCI-779、PKI-587、MTI-178 等项目开发及临床研究作出了重要贡献。2008年为表彰 mTOR 抑制剂 Torisel 的研发成果荣获美国化学学会工业创新最高等奖“Heroes of Chemistry”,2004-2009年四次荣获惠氏药业新药研发项目成就奖,被选为股东年报专题介绍。回国后高度关注肿瘤靶向治疗药物研发的协同创新,主持、参与主持1.1类新药研发项目CM082 (IND 2011)、CM-118 (IND 2014)、SCC-31 (IND 2015)。



1982/10-1988/03  芝加哥大学 分子遗传和细胞生物学 博士

1982/01-1982/09  复旦大学  遗传所 研究生

1978/03-1982/01  上海师范大学 生物学  学士


2011/03- 现在   复旦大学药学院       研究员

2010/04-2010/12  桑迪亚生物技术公司 副总经理

1996/07-2010/03  惠氏药业公司     主任研究员-Ⅲ

1992/09-1996/06  诺华药业公司     副研究员

1991/04-1992/08  康奈尔大学医学院    博士后

1988/03-1990/10  麻省理工学院     博士后





研究员、博士生导师, 上海市药物研发协同创新中心


1. 2014-2017 国家自然科学基金面上项目mTOR调节ATP-柠檬酸裂解酶在肿瘤代谢中的作用和机制研究

2. 2013-2015  1.1类新药SCC-31临床前研究 (IND 2015)

3. 2012-现在  组织因子TF-治疗抗体的新药创制及其在肿瘤治疗中的作用和机制

4. 2012-现在  新型Smoothened (SMO)小分子抑制剂新药创制研究

5. 2012-2014  1.1类新药CM-118的临床前药理研究(IND 2014)

6. 2011-2013  mTOR激酶选择性抑制的新药先导化合物的发现

7. 2010-2011  1.1类新药CM082的临床前药理研究 (IND 2011)


1. 2015 1.1类新药SCC-31 (IND 2015)实现重大科技成果转让

2. 2008 惠氏研究所 新药PKI-587研发奖

3. 2008 美国化学学会工业创新最高级奖 “Heroes of Chemistry”

4. 2004 惠氏研究所 新药PWT-458开发优秀团队奖


1. Toral-Barza L, Zhang WG, Huang X, McDonald LA, Salaski EJ, Barbieri LR, Ding WD, Krishnamurthy G, Hu YB, Lucas J, Bernan VS, Cai P, Levin JI, Mansour TS, Gibbons JJ, Abraham RT, Yu K.  Discovery of lactoquinomycin and related pyranonaphthoquinones as potent and allosteric inhibitors of AKT/PKB: mechanistic involvement of AKT catalytic activation loop cysteines. Mol Cancer Ther. 2007; 6(11):3028-38

2. Shor B, Zhang WG, Toral-Barza L, Lucas J, Abraham RT, Gibbons J, Yu K.  A new pharmacological action of CCI-779 involves FKBP12-independent inhibition of mTOR kinase activity and profound repression of global protein synthesis. Cancer Res. 2008; 68(8):2934-43

3. Yu K, Toral-Barza L, Shi C, Zhang WG, Lucas J, Shor B, Kim J, Verheijen J, Curran K, Malwitz DJ, Cole DC, Ellingboe J, Ayral-Kaloustian S, Mansour TS, Gibbons JJ, Abraham RT, Nowak P, Zask A. Biochemical, cellular, and in vivo activity of novel ATP-competitive and selective inhibitors of the mammalian target of rapamycin. Cancer Res. 2009; 69(15):6232-40

4. Zask A, Verheijen JC, Curran K, Kaplan J, Richard DJ, Nowak P, Malwitz DJ, Brooijmans N, Bard J, Svenson K, Lucas J, Toral-Barza L, Zhang WG, Hollander I, Gibbons JJ, Abraham RT, Ayral-Kaloustian S, Mansour TS, Yu K. ATP-Competitive Inhibitors of the Mammalian Target of Rapamycin: Design and Synthesis of Highly Potent and Selective Pyrazolopyrimidines. J Med Chem. 2009; 52 (16):5013-16

5. Nowak P, Cole DC, Brooijmans N, Bursavich MG, Curran KJ, Ellingboe JW, Gibbons JJ, Hollander I, Hu Y, Kaplan J, Malwitz DJ, Toral-Barza L, Verheijen JC, Zask A, Zhang WG, Yu K. Discovery of Potent and Selective Inhibitors of the Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) Kinase. J Med Chem. 2009; 52(22):7081-7089

6. Gibbons JJ, Abraham RT, Yu K. Mammalian Target of Rapamycin: Discovery of Rapamycin Reveals a Signaling Pathway Important for Normal and Cancer Cell Growth. Seminars in Oncology 2009; 36(S3):3-17

7. Shor B, Gibbons JJ, Abraham RT, Yu K. Targeting mTOR globally in cancer: Thinking beyond rapamycin. Cell Cycle 2009; 8(23):3831-37

8. Yu K, Shi C, Toral-Barza L, Lucas J, Shor B, Kim JE, Zhang WG, Mahoney R, Gaydos C, Tardio L, Kim SK, Conant R, Curran K, Kaplan J, Verheijen J, Ayral-Kaloustian S, Mansour TS, Abraham RT, Zask A, and Gibbons JJ. Beyond rapalog therapy: preclinical pharmacology and antitumor activity of WYE-125132, an ATP-competitive and specific inhibitor of mTORC1 and mTORC2. Cancer Res. 2010; 70(2):621-31

9. Zask A, Kaplan J, Verheijen JC, Richard DJ, Curran K, Brooijmans N, Bennett EM, Toral-Barza L, Hollander I, Ayral-Kaloustian S, Yu K. Morpholine derivatives greatly enhance the selectivity of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors. J Med Chem. 2009; 52(24):7942-7945

10. Ayral-Kaloustian S, Gu J, Lucas J, Cinque M, Gaydos C, Zask A, Chaudhary I, Wang J, Di L, Young M, Ruppen M, Mansour TS, Gibbons JJ, Yu K.  Hybrid Inhibitors of Phosphatidylinositol-3-Kinase (PI3K) and the Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR): Design, Synthesis, and Superior Antitumor Activity of Novel Wortmannin-Rapamycin Conjugates. J Med Chem. 2010; 53(1):452–459

11. Shor B, Wu J, Shakey Q, Toral-Barza L, Follettie M, Yu K. Requirement of mTOR kinase for the regulation of Maf1 phosphorylation and control of RNA polymerase III-dependent transcription in cancer cells. J Biol Chem. 2010; 285:15380-15392

12. Eng C, Yu K, Lucas J, White E, Abraham RT.  Ammonia derived from glutaminolysis is a diffusible regulator of autophagy. Sci Signal. 2010; 3(119):ra31

13. Yu K and Toral-Barza L. Biochemical and pharmacological inhibition of mTOR by rapamycin and an ATP-competitive mTOR inhibitor. Methods Mol Biol. 2012;821:15-28

14. Meng L, Shu M, Chen Y, Yang D, He Q, Zhao H, Feng Z, Liang C, Yu K. A novel lead compound CM-118: antitumor activity and new insight into the molecular mechanism and combination therapy strategy in c-Met- and ALK-dependent cancers. Cancer Biol Ther. 2014; 15:721-34
