皮尔法伯集团Bruno David博士来我院进行学术交流


       2015年12月14日上午,法国皮尔法伯集团研发项目引进总监Bruno David博士来我院进行了学术交流。他以“Pharmaceutical industry and natural product drug discovery”为题作了演讲,并和我院部分教授进行了面对面的互动。下午,王明伟院长在办公室热情接待了David博士和皮尔法伯北京办事处负责人姜爱艳女士,请他们向其老朋友、皮尔法伯集团资深副总裁Laurent Audoly博士致以诚挚的问候。

     Dr. Bruno David from Pierre Fabre Laboratories (France) visited School of Pharmacy, Fudan University in the morning of December 14, 2015. He delivered a lecture entitled “Pharmaceutical industry and natural product drug discovery” and interacted face-to-face with a dozen of senior scientists at the school. Professor Ming-Wei Wang (Dean) warmly received Dr. David and Madam Aiyan Jiang (Pierre Fabre Beijing Office Director) in his office in the afternoon and asked the honorable guests to convey his sincere greetings to his old friend and Senior Vice President of Pierre Fabre Laboratories, Dr. Laurent Audoly.  

