姓 名 | 陈键 | 性 别 | 男 |
职 称 | 讲师 | 学 历 | 博士 |
电 话 | 021-51980099 | 传 真 | 无 |
电子邮件 | 个人主页 | 无 | |
通讯地址 | 上海市浦东新区张衡路826号实验南楼121室 |
1995.09 – 1999.07 原华西医科大学药学院(大学本科)
2002.09 – 2005.07 复旦大学药学院(硕士)
2005.09 – 2009.07 复旦大学药学院(博士)
1999.07 – 2002.08 四川升和制药有限公司,质监员,质检科副主任
2009.07 – 现在 复旦大学药学院,讲师
1. 教育部博士点新教师基金,项目负责人,2013-2015
2. 上海市卫生局青年科研基金,项目负责人,2011-2013
1. Jian Chen, Bei Zhang, Cao Xie, Yi Lu, Wei Wu. Synthesis of a highly hydrophobic cyclic decapeptide by solid-phase synthesis of linear peptide and cyclization in solution. Chinese Chemical Letters, 21(4): 391-394, 2010
2. Zhiwen Zhang#, Baohua Niu#, Jian Chen#, Xinyu He, Xiaoyue Bao, Jianhua Zhu, Haijun Yu, Yaping Li. The use of lipid-coated nanodiamond to improve bioavailability and efficacy of sorafenib in resisting metastasis of gastric cancer. Biomaterials, 35: 4565-4572, 2014
3. Bei Zhang#, Jian Chen#, Yi Lu, Jianping Qi, Wei Wu. Liposomes interiorly thickened with thermosensitive nanogels as novel drug delivery systems. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 455: 276-284, 2013
4. Huifang Liu#, Jian Chen#, Qing Shen, Wei Fu, Wei Wu. Molecular Insights on the Cyclic Peptide Nanotube-Mediated Transportation of Antitumor Drug 5-Fluorouracil. Molecular Pharmaceutics, 7(6): 1985-1994, 2010
2. Zhiwen Zhang#, Baohua Niu#, Jian Chen#, Xinyu He, Xiaoyue Bao, Jianhua Zhu, Haijun Yu, Yaping Li. The use of lipid-coated nanodiamond to improve bioavailability and efficacy of sorafenib in resisting metastasis of gastric cancer. Biomaterials, 35: 4565-4572, 2014
3. Bei Zhang#, Jian Chen#, Yi Lu, Jianping Qi, Wei Wu. Liposomes interiorly thickened with thermosensitive nanogels as novel drug delivery systems. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 455: 276-284, 2013
4. Huifang Liu#, Jian Chen#, Qing Shen, Wei Fu, Wei Wu. Molecular Insights on the Cyclic Peptide Nanotube-Mediated Transportation of Antitumor Drug 5-Fluorouracil. Molecular Pharmaceutics, 7(6): 1985-1994, 2010