

       2016年4月26日上午,法国施维雅制药公司研究与生物药学中心总监、研发副总裁Patrick Genissel博士、科研、学术和技术战略评估副总监Pierre Renard博士、科学顾问、香港大学医学院药理及药剂学系讲座教授Paul M. Vanhoutte博士和高级商务顾问王萱博士一行四人访问了复旦大学药学院,受到王明伟院长、侯爱君副院长和李聪院长助理等的热情接待。李聪教授首先介绍了复旦药学院的概况及过去一年来所取得的成绩。Genissel博士介绍了施维雅公司历史、组织架构及其在中国和全球的最新研究进展。随后,侯爱君教授、沈晓燕教授、魏刚副教授和李聪教授分别介绍了各自的研究成果。在近3个小时的交流中,双方就施维雅公司与复旦大学药学院在科研方面开展合作等事宜进行了深入的讨论。  

Senior R&D executives of Servier (France) visit Fudan School of Pharmacy

Drs. Patrick Genissel (Director, Research & Biopharmacy of Centre for Excellence and Vice President, Research & Development), Pierre Renard (Deputy Director of Research, Scientific and Technological Strategic Evaluation), Paul M. Vanhoutte (Scientific Advisor and Chair Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong) and Xuan Wang (Senior Business Advisor to Servier) visited School of Pharmacy, Fudan University in the morning of April 26, 2016. They were warmly received by Drs. Ming-Wei Wang (Dean), Aijun Hou (Vice Dean) and Cong Li (Assistant Dean). Dr. Cong Li briefly introduced the basic information and recent achievements at Fudan School of Pharmacy. Dr. Genissel presented the history, organization and research developments at Servier (Global and China). This was followed by presentations of Drs. Aijun Hou, Xiaoyan Shen, Gang Wei and Cong Li relative to their research progresses and potential projects for collaboration. During the interaction that lasted nearly 3 hours, in-depth discussions about bilateral cooperation between Servier and Fudan on scientific research and drug discovery were carried out.

