王明伟院长在京会晤E.T. Cucchiani总裁和刘宇环董事长


       2016年4月20日下午,复旦大学药学院院长、国家新药筛选中心主任兼国家化合物样品库主任王明伟研究员在北京钓鱼台国宾馆会晤了意大利THINK GL BAL投资公司Enrico T. Cucchiani首席执行官和美国中经合集团刘宇环董事长。王明伟研究员向两位国际知名风险投资家介绍了张江“药谷”的最新发展态势和复旦大学药学院80周年纪念活动的安排情况,欢迎他们择时到访。

                                  Dr. Ming-Wei Wang meets Mr. Enrico T. Cucchiani and Mr. Peter Liu in Beijing
         Dr. Ming-Wei Wang, Dean of School of Pharmacy, Fudan University and Director of the National Center for Drug Screening/Chinese National Compound Library, met with Mr. Enrico T. Cucchiani, Founding Partner and CEO of THINK GL BAL INVESTMENTS (Italy) and Mr. Peter Liu, Chairman of WI Harper Group (USA) in the afternoon of April 20, 2016 at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, Beijing. These two internationally renowned venture capitalists were briefed by Dr. Wang with the latest development trend at Zhangjiang “Pharma Valley” and celebration arrangements of the 80th anniversary of Fudan School of Pharmacy, inviting them to pay a visit when convenient.

