2016年3月23日晚上,复旦大学药学院院长、国家新药筛选中心主任王明伟研究员在上海会晤了法国皮尔法伯(Pierre Fabre SA)集团资深副总裁Thierry Denjean先生、人事总监Stéphane Hiernaux先生、中国区总经理Francis Canet先生、首席财务官李海燕女士、雅漾品牌总监郭民先生和北京办事处主管姜爱艳女士。他们就该集团完成重组后启动与复旦药学院和国家新药筛选中心的双边或多边合作研发事宜进行了沟通。法国驻上海总领事柯瑞宇先生和上海药明康德新药开发有限公司执行副总裁兼首席运营官杨青博士会晤时在场。
Dr. Ming-Wei Wang meets a group of executives of Pierre Fabre (France)
In the evening of March 23, 2015, Dr. Ming-Wei Wang (Dean of School of Pharmacy, Fudan University and Director, the National Center for Drug Screening, NCDS) met with a group of executives of Pierre Fabre SA (France). They include: Mr. Thierry Denjean (Corporate Senior Vice President), Mr. Stéphane Hiernaux (Human Resources Director), Mr. Francis Canet (General Manager, China), Madam Haiyan Li (Chief Financial Officer, China), Mr. Min Guo (China Avène Director) and Madam Aiyan Jiang (Beijing Office Director). The exchanges views relative to initiating bilateral or multilateral research collaborations with Fudan School of Pharmacy and NCDS after the reorganization of Pierre Fabre. Mr. Axel Cruau (Consul Général of Consulat Général de France à Shanghai) and Dr. Steve Yang (Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of WuXi AppTec (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. were present.