2016年3月16日下午,日本京都大学综合细胞材料科学研究所副所长上杉志成教授到访复旦大学药学院,受到侯爱君副院长、李嫣院长助理和邵黎明教授的热情接待。上杉教授详细介绍了他所开设的翻转课程“Chemistry of Life”的情况。尔后双方就如何将该课程引入 “FIST(Fudan Intensive Summer Teaching,复旦暑期集中式授课)”项目进行了深入的探讨并达成了初步共识。
Dr. M. Uesugi of Kyoto University visits Fudan School i of Pharmacy
In the afternoon of March 16, 2016, Professor Motonari Uesugi (Deputy Director of Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences/Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, Japan) visited School of Pharmacy, Fudan University. He was warmly received by Drs. Ai-Jun Hou (Vice Dean), Yan Li (Assistant Dean) and Liming Shao. Professor Uesugi gave a detailed account of his flipped course named “Chemistry of Life”. Both sides then discussed in-depth relevant steps to set up a new FIST (Fudan Intensive Summer Teaching) class in School of Pharmacy.
(李嫣 供稿)