2016年2月29日上午,应邀前来加尔各答出席“化学生物学和药物发现国际论坛”的复旦大学药学院长王明伟研究员在Taj Bengal酒店会晤了老朋友、印度化学生物学学会Siddhartha Roy会长、来自美国普林斯顿的Rathnam Chhaguturu教授夫妇和英国剑桥大学Anna Philpott教授,向他们介绍了复旦大学药学院80周年院庆的各类学术活动,欢迎他们择时到访交流。晚上,Roy教授伉俪设传统家宴款待了王明伟研究员、Rathnam Chhaguturu教授夫妇和美国Emory大学傅海安教授。
Dr. Ming-Wei Wang meets Professor Siddhartha Roy at Kolkata
In the morning of February 29, 2016, Professor Ming-Wei Wang, Dean of School of Pharmacy, Fudan University who is invited to attend the “International Symposium on Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery” at Kolkata, met with his old friend, Professor Siddhartha Roy (President of Chemical Biology Society of India), Professor Rathnam Chhaguturu and his wife from Princeton (U.S.A.) and Professor Anna Philpott from University of Cambridge (U.K.) at Taj Bengal Hotel. Dr. Wang briefed them with various academic activities associated with the 80th anniversary celebration of Fudan School of Pharmacy and invited them to visit there when convenient. Dr. Roy and his wife entertained Drs. Ming-Wei Wang, Rathnam Chhaguturu and his wife as well as Professor Haian Fu of Emory University with a home style dinner in the evening.