2016年2月13日上午,复旦大学药学院院长王明伟研究员在美国加州圣迭戈市会晤了ChemBridge公司董事长兼首席执行官Eugene (Gene) Vaisberg先生和营销执行总监Duncan Beniston先生,与他们商讨新结构化合物长期供样和该司参展2016年皇后镇分子生物学(上海)会议等事宜。
Professor Ming-Wei Wang meets top executives of ChemBridge in San Diego
In the morning of February 13, 2016, Professor Ming-Wei Wang, Dean, School of Pharmacy, Fudan University met with Mr. Eugene (Gene) Vaisberg (Chairman & CEO) and Mr. Duncan Beniston (Executive Director, Sales and Marketing) from ChemBridge Corporation at San Diego, California, USA. He discussed with them about long-term supply of new structure chemical compounds and exhibition by ChemBridge at the 2016 Queenstown Molecular Biology Meetings in Shanghai, among other topics.