

1986.09 – 1991.07 第二军医大学药学院   药学本科

1991.09 – 1994.07 第二军医大学药学院   药理学硕士

1996.09 – 1999.07 第二军医大学      医学免疫学博士







自1994年以来历任第二军医大学助教与讲师,NIH访问学者,MediPharm研究员,复旦大学药学院教授。关于肿瘤单克隆抗体新药研究发表在肿瘤学国际著名杂志Journal of Clinical Oncology;关于树突状细胞免疫治疗的研究成果发表在Cancer Research等杂志;关于肿瘤细胞自噬的研究论文发表在Autophagy等杂志;此外还在Biomaterials,Cancer Immunology Research,Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer, Theranostics,Nanoscale,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces等杂志上发表110余篇SCI论文,被引用4000 余次。研究和新药开发项目获得科技部新药重大创制、国家自然科学基金、科技部创新基金、上海市科委重大科技攻关项目等资助。负责多个单抗和细胞因子类生物技术新药的研发;申请国内发明专利40余项,获批美国发明专利1项;多次获得国家和军队科技进步奖。


1. 单抗与细胞因子等免疫治疗药物的研究与开发;

2. 肿瘤和心血管疾病的免疫治疗与基因治疗研究;

3. 生物技术药物靶向纳米递药研究。


1.Zhang X, Wang Y, Fan J, Chen W, Luan J, Mei X, Wang S, Li Y, Ye L, Li S, Tian W, Yin K*, Ju D*. Blocking CD47 efficiently potentiated therapeutic effects of anti-angiogenic therapy in non-small cell lung cancer. J Immunother Cancer 2019; 7(1):346.

2.Luan J, Chen W, Fan J, Wang S, Zhang X, Zai W, Jin X, Wang Y, Feng Z, Zhang J, Liu ML*, Ju D*. GSDMD membrane pore is critical for IL-1β release and antagonizing IL-1β by hepatocyte-specific nanobiologics is a promising therapeutics for murine alcoholic steatohepatitis. Biomaterials 2020; 227:119570.

3.Zai W, Chen W, Wu Z, Jin X, Fan J, Zhang X, Luan J, Tang S, Mei X, Hao Q, Liu H*, Ju D*. Targeted Interleukin-22 Gene Delivery in the Liver by Poly-Metformin and Penetratin-Based Hybrid Nanoparticles to Treat Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019; 11(5):4842-4857.

4.Chen W, Luan J, Wei G, Zhang X, Fan J, Zai W, Wang S, Wang Y, Liang Y, Nan Y, Yin C, Li Y, Liu ML*, Ju D*. In vivo hepatocellular expression of interleukin-22 using penetratin-based hybrid nanoparticles as potential anti-hepatitis therapeutics. Biomaterials 2018; 187:66-80.

5.Zhang X, Luan J, Chen W, Fan J, Nan Y, Wang Y, Liang Y, Meng G, Ju D*. Mesoporous silica nanoparticles induced hepatotoxicity via NLRP3 inflammasome activation and caspase-1-dependent pyroptosis. Nanoscale 2018; 10(19):9141-9152

6.Chen W, Zhang X, Fan J, Zai W, Luan J, Li Y, Wang S, Chen Q, Wang Y, Liang Y, Ju D*. Liver-targeted therapy of acetaminophen-induced acute liver injury by interleukin-22 tethered to apolipoprotein A-I. Theranostics 2017; 7(17):4135-4148.

7.Zhang X, Fan J, Wang S, Li Y, Wang Y, Li S, Luan J, Wang Z, Song P, Chen Q, Tian W, Ju D*. Targeting CD47 and autophagy enhanced anti-tumor effects in non-small cell lung cancer. Cancer Immunology Research 2017; 5(5):363-375

8.Fan J, Sun Y, Wang S, Li Y, Zeng X, Cao Z, Yang P, Song P, Wang Z, Xian Z, Gao H, Chen Q, Cui D, Ju D*. Inhibition of autophagy overcomes the nanotoxicity elicited by Cadmium-based Quantum Dots. Biomaterials 2016; 78:102-114

9.Zeng X, Zhao H, Li Y, Fan J, Sun Y, Wang Z, Wang S, Song P, Ju D*. Targeting hedgehog signaling pathway and autophagy overcomes drug resistance of BCR-ABL positive chronic myeloid leukemia. Autophagy 2015; 11(2):355-372.

10.Li Y, Zhu H, Wang S, Qian X, Fan J, Wang Z, Song P, Zhang X, Lu W, Ju D*. Interplay of Oxidative Stress and Autophagy in PAMAM Dendrimers-Induced Neuronal Cell Death. Theranostics 2015; 5(12): 1363-1377.

11.Li Y, Zeng X, Wang S, Sun Y, Wang Z, Fan J, Song P, Ju D*. Inhibition of autophagy protects against PAMAM dendrimers-induced hepatotoxicity. Nanotoxicology 2015; 9(3):344-355

12.Wang S, Li Y, Fan J, Wang Z, Zeng X, Sun Y, Song P, Ju D*. The role of autophagy in the neurotoxicity of cationic PAMAM dendrimers. Biomaterials 2014; 35(26):7588-7597.

13.Liu Y, Sun Y, Cao C, Yang Y, Wu Y, Ju D*, Li F*. Long-term biodistribution in vivo and toxicity of radioactive/magnetic hydroxyapatite nanorods. Biomaterials 2014; 35(10):3348-55.

14.Chen S, Yu L, Jiang C, Zhao Y, Sun D, Li S, Liao G, Chen Y, Fu Q, Tao Q, Ye D, Hu P, Khawli LA, Taylor CR, Epstein AL, Ju D*. Pivotal study of iodine-131-labeled chimeric tumor necrosis treatment radioimmunotherapy in patients with advanced lung cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2005; 23(7): 1538-1547.

15.Ju D, Yang Y, Lou GL, Tao Q, He L, Cao X*. Interleukin 18 transfection enhances anti-tumor immunity induced by dendritic cell-tumor cell conjugates. Cancer Research 2001; 61(9):3735-3740.
